Scheduling & Tracking Repairs

In this article:
Scheduling a Repair
Outstanding Repair List 
Completing the Repair

Maintenance Pro allows you to schedule unexpected or occasional repairs. The software will keep track of these repairs and notify you when they are due.  When the repairs are completed they will automatically be removed from the scheduled repairs list and logged to the maintenance history for that equipment.

Scheduling a Repair

To schedule a repair navigate to the Equipment list, click on the Action button to the right of the equipment and click the Repair Request button.  

Enter the name of the employee who is making the request, then set a due date and/or meter reading. Click the blue Add Repair button to enter a new repair.

The repair name can be chosen from the drop down list of common repairs, or a new one can be typed in.

You can choose a Type of repair, along with Priority of the repair.

Enter the estimated amount of time it will take to complete the repair in the Labor time column. Enter any additional information into the Notes column.

Under actions you can click the camera to attach a photo to this repair request. Click the red X to delete the repair. Once done, click the blue Save button on the bottom.

Tip: Note that you can designate a due date for when the repair should be completed. You can also specify at what odometer reading the repair should be completed by.

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Outstanding Repair List

Outstanding repairs can be viewed in the repair log or generated as a report. To view the list of outstanding repairs click More on the top menu and click Repair Requests (Outstanding).

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Completing The Repair

When maintenance is recorded (Standard/Deluxe Edition) or a Work Order is set to "Complete" status (Pro Edition), any included repair tasks will be automatically logged to the maintenance history for that equipment and removed from the outstanding repairs list.

Here's an example of a Work Order with a repair task being completed.

The repair can now be viewed in the History log of the equipment.

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