Work Order Management (Pro Edition)

In this article:
Issuing Work Orders
Accessing Work Orders
Filtering Work Orders
Editing / Closing Work Orders
Printing Work Orders
Bulk Work Order Creation

Maintenance Pro contains a built-in Work Order system that will issue and keep track of work orders that you generate for your equipment.  Work Orders can be issued manually from the Home, Equipment, and Work Orders screens. You can also select multiple equipment in the equipment list and utilize the Bulk Actions menu to issue multiple Work Orders at the same time.

Issuing Work Orders

Work orders can be issued on any equipment from the Home or Equipment screen.

From the home screen, click the blue Issue WO button in the Actions column to create a work order for any due items.

From the Equipment List click the Actions button and choose Issue WO.

TIP: You can also utilize Quick Actions to create a new Work Order record.

When generating a Work Order directly from the Equipment List, if there are PM services or repairs due, the "Generate Work Orders" screen will be displayed. This screen lets you choose to make a blank work order or to include what's due for service.

TIP: For most cases leaving the drop down on Selected Equipment is recommended. However, power users can utilize the drop down box and Advanced options to create bulk work orders for all equipment, or specify specific criteria to meet before a Work Order record is created, from this pop-up screen.

If no services are due for the selected equipment, the " New Work Order" screen will display immediately after selecting "Issue WO".

The "New Work Order" screen provides areas where you can enter PM, repairs, parts, and labor.  You can also indicate which technician or vendor is to perform the work.  You can enter as much or as little information as you like.  Once the work order details are entered, the work order can be saved.

Utilize the 'status' boxes on the top right to tell the system if the Work Order ticket is in progress or on hold. Clicking the 'Complete' status will ask for the date/meter of when the work was completed. The ticket will then be closed and the maintenance recorded moved to the equipment's maintenance history.

Work Orders will number automatically by default. Each new Work Order number that's assigned will be incremented by 1.

TIP: You can change the 'starting' Work Order number by going to Setup | Settings | Program Settings tab and editing the starting value in the WO Numbering section. Whatever number is set as the starting value is used by the program to determine the 'next' Work Order number.

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Accessing Work Orders

Work orders can be edited, viewed, printed, or e-mailed from the "Work Orders" screen.  This screen provides a listing of all outstanding work orders. You can also view completed work orders.

To access the Work Order list, click the Work Orders button on the left menu.

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Filtering Work Orders

To switch the list between Outstanding and Closed Work Orders click the drop down box on the right hand side (to the left of All Locations). It will usually default to 'All Outstanding'.

You can utilize the Search box to narrow the list down by WO number, equipment ID, status, among other values.

You can also utilize column filters by hovering over the column name, clicking the filter icon, and checking which values to view.

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Editing / Closing Work Orders

To edit a Work Order record, right click the row and choose Edit. Or, you can click the pencil icon on the right side to edit the record.

When editing a Work Order record you can specify the Work Order Status using the boxes on the top right. Once work orders are complete, they are automatically written to the maintenance history for the equipment.  They will be included with cost calculations, statistics, and history reports.

These statuses will be shown on the Work Order list.

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Printing Work Orders

The Work Order tickets can also be printed out and handed to a technician. To print a Work Order, click the Action button and choose Print.

You can also utilize the printer icon on the top right to print any highlighted/selected rows.

Tasks on the Work Order will have check boxes next to them. There is also a large section on the print out to accommodate hand-written technician notes.

Here is an example of a sample Work Order print out.

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Bulk Work Order Creation

You also have the option of automatically generating a number of work orders for due maintenance.  You can bulk create Work Orders by going to the equipment list and checking multiple unit rows that you wish to create Work Order records for.

This will bring you to the Generate Work Orders screen where you can select miscellaneous options before creating the Work Order tickets.

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