Equipment Management

The Equipment Management screen is the primary control center for all equipment.  The data displays in a grid of rows and columns. You may customize the data grid display to suit your needs.

Use the Search Box to quickly find equipment in the list.

Click the folder icon to the left of the Equipment header to show the location and category list. Clicking on a location or category name will filter you equipment list to only display records within the selected location/category.

Hover your mouse over a column header to show advanced filter options.

Clicking the + sign to the left of the equipment ID will show any soon due or overdue tasks. If no + sign is present then no maintenance tasks or renewals are currently due.

Clicking the Details button on the right side (paper icon) will open a pop-up window with equipment information.

Clicking the Actions button on the right (vertical ellipsis) will display a number of functions you can perform on the equipment.

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