Locations & Categories

Fleet Maintenance Pro allows you to organize your equipment in the form of a tree, consisting of Locations and Categories.

Once these are defined, you may use the structure to organize Equipment, Employees, Work Orders, Purchase Orders, and Vendors.  This provides you the ability to filter these items by Location on various screens and within your reports.  In addition, most built-in reports are grouped by Location and Category by default.

Go to Setup in the top menu and click Locations to manage the Location and Category list.  

Here you can add, edit, and delete locations and categories. Note that items in this list cannot be deleted if equipment still resides in the location/category you are trying to remove.

Top-level locations can have their tax rates modified via the Edit button (pencil icon on the right side).

Filtering Equipment By Location / Category

There is a drop-down box on the top right of the equipment list that can be used to quickly filter the list by location.

You can also click the folder icon to the left of the Equipment header to view a list of locations and categories. Left click the location/category name to filter the equipment list by that value.

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