Report Designer

Fleet Maintenance Pro provides over 100 standard built-in reports.  These cover a broad range of needs, including equipment information, maintenance history, services and expirations due, fuel usage, and more. If these template reports do not quite fit your needs, you can modify existing reports, or create new from scratch using the Report Designer Add-on Module.

The report designer enables you to modify layout, adjust formatting, or insert a logo, and gives you the ability to add, edit, and delete from existing reports.  Choose from a predefined selection of data fields in the database tables the report is based on. It also adds the option to make new reports, or add fields to any report that are not part of the predefined selection.  A "wizard" tool will guide you through the report design process.  You will also have full control to rename and categorize all reports in the system.  Advanced users will be able to edit SQL code.

For more information about purchasing the report designer add-on please contact us at +1 (888) 449-2405 or email and let us know you are interested!

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